
Since the end of the CMC 2024 Congress, we’ve been hard at work refocusing on our priorities and goals for 2024–2025 as we recognize the critical importance of government relations, education, and member engagement.

The biggest news from July is that CMC has recently submitted its recommendations for the Government of Canada’s pre-budget consultations for its 2025 budget. Through our submission, we explained how CMC’s seven recommendations would help support co-operatives and mutuals as well as the local communities they support. Here are the recommendations submitted:

  • Recommendation #1: Ratifying the Tax-Deferred Co-operative Share Program as a Permanent Fiscal Measure  
  • Recommendation #2: Establishing a Federal Co-operative Investment Plan
  • Recommendation #3: Ensuring Co-operative Entrepreneurs and All Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations Can Access the Small Business Deduction (SBD)
  • Recommendation #4: Considering Indivisible Reserves as Non-Profit Capital for Taxation Purposes
  • Recommendation #5: Creating a Canadian Co-operative Capacity Building Program
  • Recommendation #6: Re-establishing and Resourcing a Co-operatives Secretariat or Dedicated Centre
  • Recommendation #7: Promoting Business Conversions to Co-operatives  

I encourage you to read the submission to learn how each recommendation supports the Canadian co-operative movement. Should you have any questions, please contact Daniel P. Brunette, Senior Director, External Affairs.

Lastly, I would like to extend a big congratulations to the recipients of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation (CASC) Bursaries and the Ian MacPherson Legacy Fund. CMC is proud to collaborate with various partners in order to help disseminate these bursaries and awards to those in the co-operative sector. I encourage you to get to know our CASC bursary recipients and read up on their interesting research work. Make sure to also read up on the scholarship fund to commemorate the late Ian MacPherson and his outstanding contribution to the study and promotion of co-‑operatives. The Fund is currently looking for donations to continue to support student participation in research conferences, co-operative research, and co-operative involvement. If you are interested in donating to the Fund, we encourage you to click here.

I now leave you to read this month’s newsletter. I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful summer and taking the time they need to rest and reset (and maybe catch some rays!)