
Annual General Meeting (AGM)

It’s now time to think about the resolutions you want to present at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the applications for the vacant seat(s) of the Board.

Board Nominations

In addition, CMC invites its members to submit applications to recruit those whom are interested in a seat on our Board of Directors. If you are interested, please:

Download the application kit.

Submit your filled out application to info@canada.coop before the end of the business day on March 15th, each year.


Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) invites its members to submit their resolutions on topics of interest on the national level as well as related to CMC’s purpose. 

The resolutions will help CMC’s members to have direct influence on the organisation activities, public policies, marketing promotions and similar topics. Please download the template below to read the resolution example provided. All resolutions must be sent to kouedraogo@canada.coop

Nominations for CMC Awards

Each year, CMC recognizes Canadian excellence in the cooperative world, both for cooperatives and for individuals who have distinguished themselves. Consult the list below for details of the various awards presented by CMC in recognition of excellence in the Canadian co-operative movement. Please note that the deadline to apply is February 23, 2024.