In 2014 Powerline Films began investigating and filming a feature documentary about the co-operative movement in Canada. A Silent Transformation is bringing to light the co-operative difference for a mass audience and it has now received vital funding from the Atkinson Foundation for Decent Work to continue filming and post production.
The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF) submitted a joint proposal with Powerline Films that details how the documentary will public understanding and knowledge of the co-operative model. Atkinson supports our objective of a fairer, more democratic economy that provides decent work in both urban and rural settings.
The A Silent Transformation documentary project aligns with a CDF Canada mandate to promote and advance co-operative development and education, as guided by the seven co-operative principles. Although almost all CDF fundraising is directly targeted to poverty alleviation around the world, the need to address income inequality and decent work in Canada has never been more apparent.
Now in the final stages of filming, A Silent Transformation will be in post production this summer and release date will be fall 2016 (to be announced). In the interim, the team will be sharing updates, previews, and building network partnerships for screening opportunities for this fall.
Anton Smolski, one of four partners in the project, shared his optimism on hearing the good news “For over two years, A Silent Transformation has been a passion project for Powerline Films. Our team has been inspired by the exciting possibilities of the co-operative movement in Canada and has worked hard to bring this amazing story to the fore of the Canadian public consciousness. With the generous support from the Atkinson Foundation for Decent Work and our partnership with the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada we feel assured in the success of A Silent Transformation.”
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) will continue to work with Powerline Films to identify additional funding for production and distribution to maximise the impact of the project in Canada.
Contact Brendan Denovan, CMC Communications Manager for additional information on this project.
Visit the project website to view interviews and trailers of the film.