
The Marketing Association for Credit Unions (MACU) held its annual event from May 25 to 27 in Kelowna, British Columbia this year. The strategic marketing conference was attended by more than 100 credit union marketing professionals.

The annual event featured a stellar lineup of speakers this year and left the attendees with piles of notes and ideas that will build their credit unions marketing plans exponentially.

The Gala event and prizes featured Kelowna wine and food pairings and some great advertising and marketing work celebrated. The big winner was Northern Credit Union who walked away with a record number of prizes for their work.

The MACU event offered valuable insights and set a professional development gold standard in helping attendees understand and take advantage of a shifting marketing landscape. Rumour has it that MACU is willing to open the door a little wider in future years and invite non-financial co-ops and mutuals along to learn about and celebrate our marketing skills.