
Anne Cochran, President and CEO of the Louisiana Credit Union League (LCUL), became the first woman to be named President of World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) during the Global Conference that took place in Denver from 11 to 15 July.

“I believe that the credit union movement is in my DNA” said Ms. Cochran. With 20 years experience in the sector, Ms. Cochran has taken on many responsibilities at the national and international level. Under her leadership LCUL reached historic membership numbers and developed partnerships internationally. Ms. Cochran is part of the Global Women’s Leadership Network and has also participated in the World Affairs Committee of the Credit Unions National Association (CUNA).

“My passion for credit unions helped me to represent WOCCU in several arenas, certification programs in management at global conferences as well as collaboration with universities in Ecuador, in Moscow and in Nairobi” she said to WOCCU delegates at the annual meeting.

Ms. Cochran succeeded Grzegorz Bierecki, president and CEO of the National Association of co-operatives of savings and credit in Poland.

During the conference Mark Degotardi (CEO, Customer Owned Banking Association, Australia), Chul-sang Moon (President, National Federation of coopeartives of credit, South Korea), Rafal Matusiak (President and CEO, National Association of cooperatives of savings and credit, Poland) and Jaime Chaves Suarez (CEO, Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito Financieras, Colombia) were elected to the Board of Directors of WOCCU.

To read the WOCCU news release for more.