Co-operatives: a solid lever to take on climate challenge
At the COP21 Conference, the ICMIF and International Co-operative Alliance delegation has urged heads of state to agree to effective and ambitious...
Thank you Mauril!
Ottawa – November 24-26 Meetings of the Co-operative and Mutuals Canada (CMC) Board of Directors, Canada’s Emerging Co-operators, CMC Delegates...
Delegates vote to create a designated youth seat on the CMC Board of Directors
Delegates voted to add a designated youth seat to the Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) Board of Directors on Wednesday November 25 during a...
Platform Co-operatives conference in New York draws a big crowd
The first-ever conference on platform cooperativism was held at The New School on November 13 and 14 in New York, NY. The...
Concern for Community: the Relevance of Co-operatives to Peace by Ian MacPherson and Yehudah Paz published posthumously
A new e-book on the history, theory, and practice of co-operatives and peace by the late Dr Ian MacPherson and the late Dr Yehudah Paz was...
Dame Pauline Green receives Rochdale Pioneers Award
Dame Pauline Green was presented with the Rochdale Pioneers Award at the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) Global Conference in...
Monique F. Leroux elected President of the International Co-operative Alliance
Ottawa, November 13, 2015 – Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) congratulates Monique F. Leroux on her election as President of the...
On Co-op and CCO organize the first meeting of the Ontario Co-operative Caucus
The Ontario Co-operative Association (ON Co-op) and the Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario (CCO) have joined forces to organize the inaugural...
The co-op housing sector has reasons to be optimistic!
During the election campaign the Liberal Party of Canada pledged to renew funding for housing co-operatives and to build more affordable...