International Co-operative Alliance highlights of 2014
Dear Fellow Co-operator, We are writing, as has been our custom at the end of each year, to thank you for your membership in the International...
CMC presents its priorities to the co-op caucus
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada had the opportunity to meet with members of the All-Party Caucus on cooperatives on November 26. The meeting...
CMC signs a memorandum of understanding with the RDÉE
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and the Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité (RDÉE) have signed a memorandum...
Alberta Co-operatives gather in the frigid cold to share hot ideas
The 3rd Annual Gathering of Alberta Co-operatives was held in Red Deer Alberta on November 14 and 15. Despite the frigid weather, it was...
A Silent Transformation Raises $7,800 on Indigogo
The filmmakers, Powerline Films have been promoting their documentary trailer and requesting financial support for the project from co-ops and...
3rd Cooperative Summit of the Americas: Integration for Social Change
With an overarching theme of “Integration that Generates a Social Change,” the 3rd Cooperative Summit of the Americas was held from...
The first semi-annual meeting of CMC delegates addresses important issues
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada held its first semi-annual meeting of delegates in Ottawa on Wednesday November 26. Fifty-seven delegates...
Arctic Co-operatives Limited commits $500K to the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund
Arctic Co-operatives Limited has joined the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund (CCIF) as a founding investor bringing the Fund closer to its...
CMC Delegates meeting set for November 26, 2014
central part of CMC’s strategic plan calls for a new approach to engagement with Delegates that can foster a year round dialogue. As a national...