Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and the Centre for Excellence in Accounting and Reporting of Co-operatives (CEARC) of St-Mary’s University are partnering to complete a study titled Measuring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Impact in the Co-operative Sector.
OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED — CMC and CEARC would like to know if and how the sustainability practices of co-operatives are aligned with the SDGs. This is also a great opportunity to share your questions about the goals and to gain a better understanding of how they can be directly related to your core co-operative business activities and mission.
We are seeking the participation of co-operatives and mutuals of various sizes and industries, whose leaders would like to engage in this important endeavor.
Participants will have the opportunity to:
- Develop a set of SDG indicators relevant to the co-operative sector
- Create a streamlined process for co-operatives to understand their SDG impact
- Assess their co-operative’s SDG impact
- Provide information to the co-operative sector on the SDGs
- Network with other sustainability-minded co-operative leaders from across Canada
- Easy ways to get more information on this endeavor:
- See the SDG Participant Overview
- Contact Dr. Daphne Rixon at or 902-496-8212, if you would like to learn more about the project.
Participate in this important endeavour by
- Circulating this information widely in your network:
- Downloading this image and promote the study on your social media feeds, info letters and on your webpage;
- Using these hashtags #coopSDG and #coopODD