On March 23, Canada’s new Prime Minister called a snap election that will be held on April 28, 2025. While the campaign period unfolds, this presents a valuable opportunity to raise awareness about the co-operative model with candidates and incumbents across the country, and to showcase the movement from the Pacific to the Atlantic and Arctic.
Here are a few key considerations for co-operatives during this period:
- Engage with Candidates
Whether through town halls, door-to-door visits, or other campaign events, this is a timely moment to mention your links and share the value and impact of co-ops in your community. The more those on the campaign trail hear the words co-operative, credit union, caisse or mutual, the more likely it will be to have an impact post-election.
- Leverage Free Advocacy Tools
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) offers a range of free advocacy resources to support your outreach. We encourage you to make use of these materials to help amplify your message, and to share the stories linked to your own involvement whenever possible.
- Be Prepared for Requests from Candidates
You may receive requests for site visits or photo opportunities. Please discuss internally how your co-op or mutual wishes to respond, including any decisions around endorsing or hosting candidates.
- Share Noteworthy Interactions or Comments
If a candidate demonstrates knowledge of or support for co-operatives and mutuals—such as referencing them in a local speech—please notify CMC, your provincial association, and sectoral federation. These insights can be helpful for future advocacy and engagement efforts.
- Questions or Support?
For more information or assistance, feel free to contact CMC’s Nancy Wanye, Manager, External Affairs at cwanye@canada.coop or Daniel Brunette, Senior Director, External Affairs at dbrunette@canada.coop.
Let’s make certain that the co-operative voice is heard during this important time!
Please note that Canada now was 343 electoral districts and that many boundaries and names have changed. You can visit the Elections Canada website for detailed information, including the Voter Information Service, to confirm where you when you head to the polls on April 28.
CMC encourages you to actively participate in Canada’s democratic process and exercise your civic duty by casting your vote.
In addition, the current cross-border tariffs are and will remain an election issue. As it has for many years, but especially considering these recent barriers to trade, CMC urges people and businesses to buy from their local co-operatives. Choosing to purchase “Made in Canada” goods and services, especially from co-operative enterprises, is a powerful decision that is fully within our control. For more information on how to find and support local co-operatives and mutuals, visit CMC’s map and use the products and services tab.