
Become a Member

From provincial associations and sectoral federations to local co-operatives, credit unions and mutuals, we, at CMC, ensure all our Members receive equal national and international representation. We continuously advocate for the co-operative and mutualist movement to the Canadian federal government, and support our Members by connecting them to information, resources and the latest research data, as well as providing recruitment, professional development and networking opportunities.  

Interested in taking advantage of these benefits? Fill out our simple form and become a proud CMC Member! 

2024 Congress participants

Types of Membership

Regular Member

You are welcome to send your application to become a proud CMC Regular Member, if you are  

  • A co-operative or mutual,
  • A credit union or caisses populaires,
  • A provincial, territorial or regional association,
  • A sectoral federation or confederation,
  • A national or international co-operative or co-operative federation,
  • An organization that is either owned and
    controlled entirely by co-operatives or by a
    majority of co-operatives.

Associate Member

You are welcome to send your application to become a proud associate of CMC if you are:

  • A professional service provider that does business with co-operatives and mutuals,
  • An organization, such as a trade association or community development organization, whose goals are compatible with CMC’s and who displays a significant interest in CMC’s work.

Membership Benefits

Federal Government Advocacy

Government Relations

We engage with the federal government, including ministers and their offices, departments, and Parliamentarians in order to ensure our Members’ voices and needs are represented at the highest level. We also provide our Members with timely information on federal programs and funding opportunities based on our analysis of federal announcements including the budget and economic statements. 

Public Awareness Building

Public awareness

We promote national and international co-operative sector news, and support co-operative academic research by promoting and sharing  research results to both our Members and the general public. Furthermore, we curate the only publicly accessible, fully searchable online map and directory of Canadian co-operative, credit unions, caisse populaires, and mutuals. 

Growing the Co-operative Movement

Growing the movement

We represent the sector at national tables such as Women’s Economic Council, the People-Centred Economy, and the Sustainable Finance Forum Canada. Through our scholarships, we support academic excellence, and we recognizes and celebrate sectoral innovation with our annual awards. We have also developed a network of co-operatives developers and service providers to support the growth of the movement. 

Information Sharing and Promotion


We promote our Members’ news via our communication and social media channelsand in turn provide them with communication tools through our Communication Peer Gathering Group. Our Members and their members also have exclusive access to our interactive online events and job postings. 

National Involvement

National involvement

CMC’s role is to bring together the pan-Canadian network of co-operatives and mutuals of all sizes and types, and from all sectors. Our events, such as our annual Congress and our Co-op Week events, provide the movement’s seasoned and emerging leaders with opportunities to network and learn from one another. Our Members receive discounted pricing for our events, and our Regular Members are able to direct the movement by having the right to vote on CMC leadership and priorities and become involved on our Board and Committees.


Partnership and Membership Access


We represent the Canadian movement on the international level through our memberships with the International Cooperative Alliance, the Cooperatives of the Americas, and the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation. We also maintain strong working relationships with NCBA-CLUSA and other national co-operative associations. We are able to provide our Members with access to a special pricing thanks to our growing list of partnerships with organizations like Do Some Good, an impact tracking and promotions service.

Become a CMC Member

Become a CMC Member now and gain access to all the benefits our membership will provide to your organization and your members! Have questions? Contact our Member Experience Manager, Tara Molloy for more information!