by Aline Porrior-Richard | Feb 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
February is the shortest month of the year, but sometimes it can feel like the longest. Winter carries on for what seems like forever and yet, the promise of spring is just around the corner. A good deal can happen in even the shortest month of the year – a reality we... by Aline Porrior-Richard | Jan 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
At the beginning of January, you hear people making resolutions, committing to becoming a better version of themselves, and talking about conquering the new year. Well, here at CMC, nothing rings truer. All of the hard work our team has done in 2022 has shaped and... by Aline Porrior-Richard | Dec 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s hard to believe that 2022 is only weeks away from being done. So much has changed since the beginning of the year. If I had to choose one word to sum up the year CMC had, it would be “progress.” Our organization has progressed so much this year, as we worked... by Aline Porrior-Richard | Nov 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
I look outside to see that the first fall of snow has arrived, signalling the change of season and a change of pace for everyone. November has absolutely flown by for everyone, getting us one step closer towards the end of 2022. It’s hard to believe that tomorrow, we... by Aline Porrior-Richard | Oct 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
As October wraps up and November kicks-in, I look back the month we’ve just had with a proud smile. CMC had an incredibly busy month, but we also accomplished so much. With travels across the globe, collaborative discussions with partners, setting priorities for the... by Veronique | Sep 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
There is no denying it—during these past few months, CMC has undergone countless changes. New faces, new projects, new directions, and new ideas. This lively breathe of fresh air and continuous transformation was not just a welcomed on at CMC, but also one that was...